If you are looking into starting with EOS® or already running on EOS®, you can learn more from fellow business professionals on how to take advantage of a business operating system that can transform your organization.
ENRG meets once a month at Hatch on the fourth Thursday of every month from 8:30-10:00 for a 90-minute Level 10™ meeting. During that time we discuss an EOS® Toolbox item. This is not a sales group or a leads group. We are 100% focused on EOS® and our primary criteria is that you are interested in EOS® and have read or are currently reading the book Traction®. We have EOS Implementers® come in regularly to teach the tools and methodologies.
If you are confused about what EOS® is or would like more information, check out https://www.eosworldwide.com/eos-process